Saturday, January 18, 2020



[“If one can correctly identify a problem, the solution is self evident.”—Harold Weeks]

This book is dedicated to my former wife Pam and stepdaughter Kelly, who have endured over 30 years of addiction in the family;

To my stepchildren Jennifer and Michael for my failure to get you both to adulthood drug-free;

To Debbie Wagner, for enduring my endless cave time and absentee mind while writing;

To the thousands of unsung and unpaid heroes who fight every day in communities across America, decade after decade, to preserve and enhance the lives of young people and get them safely to adulthood free of addiction.

And to my brothers Gary and Steve, and good friend Bob Dresslar and Rod Perry, who kept me afloat after an arduous year of complete economic melt down.


My involvement in drug prevention is a result of two step-children who became addicted to drugs at age 12 and 14 roughly 30 years ago, on my watch. Like so many of my colleagues whose kids have died or been destroyed by drugs, we strive to find ways to prevent others from experiencing the same fate. I became actively involved in 1997 as Founding Chairman of the Coronado SAFE Foundation. I have been active in other organizations as a Board Member of the San Diego Prevention Coalition; member of the National Coalition for Student Drug Testing; Co-Founder of Californians for Drug-Free Schools and Special Advisor to the Golden Rule Society in Coronado.

My 14 year journey of discovery of the causes and potential solutions to the War-On-Drugs has endowed me with the following indelible beliefs:

We cannot win the war by treating the wounded, or trying to stop the supply of drugs. We must also focus on demand reduction by preventing the disease.

Drug addiction is a preventable disease that almost always starts with kids. While we have the tools (i.e. random drug testing) to prevent it, our government does not have the will or courage to do so.
The federal government is no longer tied to the people, but is controlled by money that flows in large part from and through George Soros, who professes to own the Democratic Party and has obviously neutralized the Republican Party.

Drugs help our enemies in two ways: 1) By providing them with vast sums of money for whatever their cause; and 2) Destroying or incapacitating significant portions of society places a huge economic burden on hardworking taxpayers and weakens the state they wish to control.

The greatest enemy and threat to this nation is not radical Islam and Al Qaeda, but the treasonous George Soros, who uses his billions to socially engineer and deconstruct America so that he can achieve his maligned goal of a New World Order.

Soros influence on America is taking us down a path of complete destruction. Over several decades, he has systematically invested in politicians, liberal organizations and the media so that he socially engineer society into oblivion, as with a third world country. But even he said in his book, The Bubble of American Supremacy, that sooner or later if the government doesn't fulfill its responsibility to protect the people, the people will revolt. Its time!

If there is any hope for America it lies in the grass roots efforts of millions of Americans to rid the nation of Soros and all those in power that he has corrupted, from the top down. We need to resurrect a honorable, fiscally responsible constitutionally limited government that serves the people, not the enemy.

Roger Morgan


His real motives weren't entirely clear, before the Obama Administration. By being the primary source of financing to proliferate the use of illicit drugs in America, with no concern for the death, destruction and economic cost they inflict on society, Soros and his treasonous companions obviously had something to gain. Was it just more money? With a personal net worth of $7 to $9 billion, obviously he wasn't going to miss a meal.

Harold Weeks was a service manager for IBM, and my father-in-law from a former marriage. When I was a young man transitioning from graduate school to my first job with Caterpillar, he gave me the following sage advice: “If one could correctly identify a problem, the solution would be self evident.” That advice has served me well throughout my life, and is applicable here.

My contention is that one cannot understand the root cause of the drug problem in America, whereby we have 5% of the world's population yet consume 66% of the world's drugs, unless you understand the role, mission and actions of George Soros, spearhead for the illicit drug trade. Soros is unquestionably leading the effort to legalize and proliferate the use of illicit drugs, but many others serve his cause, including the 16.7 million Americans who smoke pot.

My personal journey into drug prevention stemmed from my failure to get all of my kids to adulthood intact, free of addiction to drugs. As the journey grew from local to state and national involvement, it became increasingly clear that the role of Soros and the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) were aimed at fostering the proliferation of drug use, at the expense of young people and the future of our nation; for that matter, all nations.

Unlike others who want to legalize drugs for various reasons, Soros has a more sinister objective, to control the world by economic means, to create a New World Order. The biggest obstacle to achieve that end has been a strong America. It appears that he is armed with billions, maybe even trillions, that flow through his secretive offshore hedge fund (The Quantum Fund in the Netherland Antilles), which gives him the financial means to do it. If you look at his influence on what is happening in America today, one can conclude he is well on his way.

Afflicting the disease of addiction on the masses helps overwhelm public services for health, mental illness, crime, welfare, child/family assistance et al., which in turn creates a greater dependence on an ever expanding socialistic government while those with the money are in control. The British have practiced it for centuries, in China with the opium wars and India with ganja. Make vast sums with drug money and use the money to control a state weakened in large part by addicting a large percentage of the population.

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